1. Go to
2. Click the main banner's "START NOW" button. Click here
3. Click the button for Free 10 Day Trial (2 Games out at once).
4. Enter all of your information, including the Prepaid CC and whatnot.
5. Put 2 games in your Queue, doesn't matter which games or which consoles just make sure they are in stock.
6. Once you receive them, cancel the account in the my account menu.
7. They will email you asking you to return the games, respond by saying that you never received them. They will reply with:
Thank you for contacting GameFly. We are sorry to hear that the games, *GAME* and *GAME*, did not arrive to you. We will report a shipping problem with both titles and you will not be held responsible for the games.
In the event you do receive the games, please return them to us in their original game sleeves and pre-paid shipping envelopes. Once we do receive the games in our facility, you will be sent email confirmations and your account will be updated.
Thank you for being a member of GameFly. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.
blah blah"
BAM FREE GAMES! You could do this again, but I haven't yet
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