How to make Semtex
Semtex is a powerful explosive that is widely used by terrorists. It is a little more powerful that U.S C-4.
Here is the recipe to make it:
1. RDX High Explosive
2. PETN High Explosive
3. Motor oil, petroleum jelly,
or vegetable oil
4. Mesuring device (cup, spoon, etc)
5. Wooden dowel or spoon for stirring
6. Rolling pin
7. Wooden Board or hard surface
8. Bowl
9. Wax paper or plastic wrap
10. Glass jar with lid
1. Place a small amount of RDX crystals on a wooden block or hard countertop. Using a rolling pin, crush the crystals into a fine powder, having the consistency of flour.
WOOD!! It is important to crush the crystals rather than using friction between two rubbing surfaces.
2. Repeat process until desired amount of RDX has been powdered. Then, using the same process, powder the same amount of PETN.
3. Mix 9 parts (cups, etc.) of RDX and 9 equal parts of PETN in a jar and shake for 5 minutes.
4. Pour the RDX/PETN mixture into a bowl of motor oil, petroleum jelly, or vegetable oil. Stir vigorously until a uniform paste is obtained.
5. Semtex can be used immediately for any task requiring a high explosive. If it is to be stored, however, mold the Semtex into a brick and place it in the middle of a square piece of wax paper or plastic film. Wrap tighly and seal it with rubber bands or adhesive tape to keep the brick airtight.
6. Store in a cool, dry place. The explosive should have unlimited shelf life, but it will lose its plastic properties after a while.
NOTE: In general, it is always preferable to mix explosives just before use to avoid the problems of and dangers of storage.
All chemicals can be purchased from Advance Scientific & Chemical. To get their catalog, send $5.00 to: Advance Scientific & Chemical, Inc.
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