Published September 25, 2021 by with 0 comment

How to get any Microsoft product hassle free.

 1. Open up skype and call this number - 8009365700

2. Say Tech support

3. Say "____" - Insert whatever product you want to SE here.

4. Someone will ask you for your name + number. Tell them your real name (If you want) but make up the number (I always do, they don't care)

5. They will ask about the product. Tell them that it was a gift from a friend, but it does not work.

For me, I wanted a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema HD. I told them that the device did not show up after plugging it in in numerous computers. They may or may not ask some other troubleshooting questions. If they do, just work around it to make sure that they know it does not work.

6. S/he will give you a caseID number. Keep a hold of it as she will put you through to another directory.

7. Tell the new person your name + CaseID number.

8. They may ask about the product not working. See step 5.

9. Now they should say that they will replace it. Give them your email address if you haven't already and wait for an email from them.

10. Reply to the email. It should be your information that they need. Make sure it is REAL.

Enjoy your free microsoft product. Try not to do this too many times in one sitting as people have been known to get caught. 

Note: In the case they DO ask you to give them a picture of a receipt or the product. You can either A. Hang up and try again later on. Or B. Forge up a quick receipt. For more info about this, look in the VIP section for information about receipts.

Plan A is usually best though..

Hope you found this guide informative. It's fairly common to some but I wrote it up for the guppies such as myself. Have fun SE'ing!


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